Learn how to Style/Create your own branding photos

of YOURSELF from home. 

Live, 60 minute workshop with a new theme every month. 

I walk-you-through the step-by-step process as you create impact-driven photos with me and the group in real time so you can stand out as

the leader you are.

Learn how to Style/Create your own

branding photos

of YOURSELF from home. 

Live, 60 minute workshop every month. 

I walk-you-through the step-by-step process as you create impact-driven photos with me and the group in real time so you can

stand out as

the leader you are.


Professional-looking photos of yourself,

from the comfort of home,

using your smartphone or camera

without a professional photographer  




⭐️For a VERY LIMITED TIME, get a BONUS month for free⭐️

CREATE fantastic, scroll-stopping, DIY photos (without the DIY look)

that make people want to drop everything and book a call with you!

Because we know you want more clients. More free time. More money in the bank.


The right photos of you will turn-heads and get eyes on your business in 1 second or less.


The wrong photos make you feel invisible, disregarded and misunderstood (...ugh, did somebody say wall-flower?!)


High-performance photos that get big results...

Because we know you want more clients. More free time. More money in the bank.


The right photos of you will turn-heads and get eyes on your business in 1 second or less.


The wrong photos make you feel invisible, 

disregarded and misunderstood (...ugh, did somebody say wall-flower?!)


Experience the FREEDOM of 


at your fingertips...


  • A New workshop where we create photos as a group every month so you can create new, step-by-step, easy, relatable content from your home and share whenever you want! New photos of yourself right away

  • Brand new THEMES each month so that you never run out of ideas and and always share your unique wow-factor 

  • Easy-to-follow retouching videos so that you can fix what needs to be fixed or share with your staff so that your photo looks more professional (VIP membership)

  • Makeup tutorials so that you look great on camera (VIP membership)

  • Private Facebook Group (VIP membership) so that you get all your questions answered and the support you need

  • Use your smartphone, or your camera!

  • Extremely affordable equipment recommendations that you can use for so many other parts of your entreprenuerial journey (if you don't have these things, you should!)




  • Your photo is what separates you from your competition instantly identifying you in one second. 

  • More than 95 million photos are uploaded to Instagram every day.

  • Posting up to 5 Stories a day ensures a 70% retention rate.

  • More than 20% of Instagram users visit a business profile daily.

  • More than 33% of Instagram users will make a mobile purchase.

  • Women get five times more likes than men, on average.

  • Your photo creates the know, like and trust factor without having to say a word.

And your photo is so much more...

The mistake most people make when it comes to photos of themselves, is that they think by outsourcing to someone who "knows what they're doing" that their photos are guaranteed to magically convert viewers to followers. But let me ask you...

If YOU don't know what to do, how to move, the best light for YOUR face, what angles are best for YOU and the message YOU need to share with YOUR audience, chances are you'll spend thousands of dollars handing your power over to another person and you might not get back what actually works for your needs and your audience.

   ...And all that money you've spent doesn't give you the knowledge 

you can use over and over again 

for the rest of your life for future photos.

I mean, what if...


You need great-looking content photos that capture attention and oh yeah, it's a Pandemic?


You're vacationing in an incredible place where you can't hire someone?


Wouldn't it be nice to know how to look great in ALL those family photos?


How do you know what to do in those fun group photos when there's no one to tell you what to do and all you get are awkward looks bringing the group-look DOWN?!?!


Do you hire someone EVERYDAY to be able to show up with fresh, new photos on social media, newsletters, emails, twitter, websites?


How fun would it be to DIY some great new photos of your yoga poses?

Believe me, I totally get it first hand...it's so easy

to not feel ready, to say to yourself,

"I don't have what it takes, I don't want to deal with this, 

I want to hide my face

and stay invisible..."

...And I also know that not standing up and standing out in your spotlight about your mission, your passion, your desires (and really being seen for who you are) over the course of a lifetime will lead to regret.

Believe me, I totally get it first hand...it's so easy

to not feel ready, to say to yourself,

"I don't have what it takes, I don't want to deal with this, 

I want to hide my face and my body and stay invisible..."

...And I also know that not standing up and standing out in your spotlight about your mission, your passion, your desires (and really being seen for who you are) over the course of a lifetime well,

that's just called regret.

"Photos are like portals. They're doorways for you to open to attract the right people to you...they offer limitless possibilities"

What's the trade-off for listening to that voice that says,

"You're not photogenic."

"You're overweight."

"You're not pretty enough."

"You're too awkward in photos."

What if your DESIRES fueled the content of the photos you created of yourself?

There are millions of amazing photos in this world...WHY NOT YOURS?


YOU get to decide how you SHOW -UP

 You are AMAZING. You're already good-enough.

Learning to create INCREDIBLE photos of yourself is absolutely POSSIBLE

get access to the step-by-step process that makes it fun and easy.

I love providing the short-cuts!




YOU create the angles

YOU adjust the camera

YOU refine the vision

YOU are empowered with options beyond measure...


The technology has NEVER been easier.

Use your smartphone or your camera.

When you join, you'll get equipment recommendations that make a huge difference. You may already have  these items and if you don't, you'll love what they do for all areas of your business. The best news of all? You can purchase everything for under $150. It's so easy when you have my step-by-step process

Hi! I'm Michelle

I created the SELF-Styled Photo Workshops to empower women like you to market their brands with gorgeous images of themselves that don't break the bank...

Hi! I'm Michelle

I created the SELF-Styled Photo Workshops to empower women like you to market their brands with gorgeous images of themselves that don't break the bank...

If you don't know me, I'm an award winning, international branding photographer who has photographed people from all walks of life. From corporate presidents to celebrities, from high-level coaches and influencers, to working with local and national magazines.....but do you know what I'm most passionate about? 

My mission is empowering women to show up in a  BOLD way to expand their reach and influence the world.

Helping women create instant impact with beautiful branding photos that captivates their audience is what I do.

I want you to be BOLD in your personal brand!

I want you to be seen, to be heard, to shine like no one else but YOU

Let's elevate your brand…

If you don’t feel great about how you show up in pictures, how will your clients feel?

My specialty is about magnifying the BEST in you so you can create content that sets you apart and attracts the right people by being who YOU are

Photos are the key to cutting through digital noise and connecting with your audience.



The power of authentic brand photos will unleash your unique WOW factor.


Upcoming Themes:

Business Boss







Cart Close

Call to Action







So you have fresh, new photos at your fingertips each month!

( Not necessarily in this order 😊 )

Sarah Tugender


Sarah helps doctors make more money by streamlining

their systems and marketing online.

Jen Berson



Candus Kampfer


Candus offers Confidence With Quickbooks, helping you thrive in business while making tax time easier.


(FREE with the VIP membership)

Designed specifically to make you and your photos look more professional, right from your phone!

Instructional videos included to make it quick and easy to post





Make your photos shine even brighter!

Quick, and easy retouching videos included in the annual membership!

Not all retouching is the same...

Knowing how to retouch women in a natural way (without making them look fake) will make your photos look their best

Smoothing lines, removing stray hairs, slimming and other special magic tips and tricks to make you look like it's your best day. Use them yourself or share with your assistant (not to be shared with anyone outside your team.)

Perhaps you've thought this before...


"Whenever I take my own photos, they never turn out great. I'll just wait until later when I have more time."


When will time be better?


When you don't post for weeks, and suddenly start posting again, we all know that's not a winning  strategy...


Your engagement drops every day you wait!


At that point, even if you have a great photo to share, hardly anyone will see it!



Accountability is key...

Show up each month for yourself to get what YOU need, what your business needs to stand out!



Your membership

Purchase your affordable equipment

(Not to worry, you'll get walked through set up!)


WORKSHOP with your equipment set up and ready to join the party!


Your Pictures!



creating photos of yourself WHENEVER you need them!

The secret formula to creating photos that get results isn't difficult & it doesn't require an expensive photographer. It's all about the step-by-step process...

Normally $497- $200 off. YOUR price today is $297 when you use coupon code: DIANNE

  • BONUS FIRST MONTH FREE- get 7 months now (for a very limited time)

  • BONUS: Facebook Support Group so that you get all your questions answered

  • BONUS: LET'S GLOW Presets custom designed Lightroom Presets with tutorials [Value $59] To add or subtract light and create more stylish effects

  • BONUS: Retouching Secrets Videos To share with your assistant [Value $297] so you can learn how to retouch your own photos specifically designed for women

  • BONUS: Expression Workshop

  • Monthly Photo Themes NEW EACH MONTH (so that your content reflects the season)
  • Access to the 60 minute SELF-Styled PhotoWorkshop (so you can ask questions, get support and support others)
  • Instructions and material recommendations sent before your workshop for set up (so you can be ready on photo day for easy creation)
  • Challenges (to push you to the next level)
  • Hot Seats (so you can get direct help from Michelle as she walks you through body positioning and posing)

SELF-Styled (Virtual) 1:1 Private With Michelle


1:1 Private With Michelle- Includes VIP Membership

  • Want to skip to the front of the line?

    Put yourself on the FAST TRACK with a 1:1 PRIVATE session.

    Michelle will virtually walk-you-through creating your own photos so that you can re-create the process anytime...just rinse and repeat.

    You'll get full, individual support and guidance to go over any concerns you may have.

    Setting up your background and equipment

    Using presets

    Prop selection and how to use them to enhance your message

    What to wear

    Creating the best lighting


    Body language

    Mindset techniques and more



" A picture is worth a thousand words"